The futurist wave is coming to Pingtung!
Be ready.
IMCCI students of Professor Manray HSU’s “Curatorial Seminar” in this semester (Spring 2020) are participating in the organization of the upcoming exhibition “Futurist Wave: Contemporary Art from the Greater Sandimen,” curated by Prof. Manray at the Pingtung Art Museum. Divided into overlapping groups, students work closely with the curator on exhibition layout, guidebook publication, documentation, publicity, education programming, spatial design, chronology and library. Through the intensive hands-on experience of making an exhibition, students learn how to bring their ideas and skills into curatorial practices. The exhibition opens on April 17, 2020, and runs through to August 5, 2020.
Check the latest information and artist Profile on Futurist Wave:Contemporary Art from Greater Sandimen 大山地門當代藝術展