藝術創意研究國際碩士學位學程為北藝大獨特的跨領域碩士學位學程,由校園豐富教學資源組成,課程橫跨國際和在地化藝術領域和相關文化實踐領域。本學程於113學年度將進行教學分組,分為「文化創意產業 Cultural and Creative Industries」與「跨領域藝術 Interdisciplinary Arts」兩組。
Founded in 2011, SAC is the only English-taught program in Taipei offering full scholarship within the context of a comprehensive arts university, boasting international faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. Our diverse and professional instructors provide seminars and workshops on the latest concepts and practical experience in the field to prepare students for a career in the arts.
TNUA School of Dance & SAC