From March 3rd to 12th, 5 lecturers will give 8 handmade and body workshops at Beitou Elementary school. Today, Imcci student Rodrigo Lopez conducts a lecture workshop on the history and making of piñata to 26 students.
From March 3rd to 12th, 5 lecturers will give 8 handmade and body workshops at Beitou Elementary school. Today, Imcci student Rodrigo Lopez conducts a lecture workshop on the history and making of piñata to 26 students.
國立臺北藝術大學文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程(IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)X 教育部大學社會責任計劃(USR)「Hi-Five Plus:從北投平埔族群到屏東原住民族的國際藝術對話」 與 鳳甲美術館合作,以三年時間,透過工作坊、走踏、座談,以及藝術家進駐等方式,爬梳北投在地的紋理。
IMCCI student Bryan Fisher joined public art project of Hong-gah Museum and drew a lion on the wall of Beitou temple. As part of the USR project about Beitou!
The guest faculty Prof. Michael Simon (Zurich University of the Arts) conducted the speech “Space and Design for the Performing Arts” in the class of Critical Ecologies today. He presented his design works on stage and the approaches to sustainability in the theater. Also, he introduced the new immersive project “New Green Land” and its content research.
#IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)
The guest faculty Prof. Andreas Kohli (Zurich University of the Arts), conducted the speech “Art and the Public Space” in the class of Critical Ecologies today. He talked about public space and introduced a few artists whose works presented how artistic intervention into the cultural system.
Today, the guest faculty Prof. Nuria Kramer (Zurich University of the Arts) conducts the workshop “Reflections on the Anthropocene” in the class of Critical Ecologies. In the mean time, Pro Yatin, Lin leads the 8 students to join discussion with Prof. Nuria Kramer after their performances.
The guest faculty Prof. Nuria Kramer (Zurich University of the Arts/Hong Kong) gives a lecture talking about the Anthropocene in the class of Critical Ecologies this semester. She also introduces performance artists’ work related to our relationship and other living beings in order to prepare for the workshop next time.
Critical Ecologies: Ten Thousand Things 萬物 encompasses a myriad of creative practices and discourses concerned with the ecological emergency facing today’s world. Not only our environments, societies, and economies are affected by the global crisis, but also our imagination and perception—how we sense and make sense of our surroundings.
IMCCI student Bryan Fisher joined public art project of Hong-gah Museum and drew a lion on the wall of Beitou temple. As part of the USR project about Beitou!