國立臺北藝術大學文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程(IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)X 教育部大學社會責任計劃(USR)「Hi-Five Plus:從北投平埔族群到屏東原住民族的國際藝術對話」 與 鳳甲美術館合作,以三年時間,透過工作坊、走踏、座談,以及藝術家進駐等方式,爬梳北投在地的紋理。
國立臺北藝術大學文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程(IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)X 教育部大學社會責任計劃(USR)「Hi-Five Plus:從北投平埔族群到屏東原住民族的國際藝術對話」 與 鳳甲美術館合作,以三年時間,透過工作坊、走踏、座談,以及藝術家進駐等方式,爬梳北投在地的紋理。
The trip to Sandimen and Kuljauljau is very meaningful and memorable because of its immersive nature.
The night we arrived in Gulou, the village where the southern Taiwanese paiwan tribe lives; professor Miyang welcomed us in her house.
The first day of the trip was our visit to Rinari. During our visit we had to opportunity to use tradition glass beads to make our own bracelets.
Last Thursday, students in Heritage: From Tradition to the Future paid a visit to Hong-gah Museum.
Students in “Heritage: From Tradition to the Future”learned from Kedrekedr Maljaljaves (Lin Hsiu-Hui) about the weaving culture of the Paiwan people of Taiwan.
Last Thursday, students in “Heritage: From Tradition to the Future” heard from Monique Chen, the Director of Sustainable Tourism Taiwan, who shared her experience creating a sustainable tourism model in Taiwan’s communities.
From March 3rd to 12th, 5 lecturers will give 8 handmade and body workshops at Beitou Elementary school. Today, Imcci student Rodrigo Lopez conducts a lecture workshop on the history and making of piñata to 26 students.
From March 3rd to 12th, 5 lecturers will give 8 handmade and body workshops at Beitou Elementary school. Today, Imcci student Rodrigo Lopez conducts a lecture workshop on the history and making of piñata to 26 students.
From March 3rd to 12th, 5 lecturers will give 8 handmade and body workshops at Beitou Elementary school. Today, Imcci student Rodrigo Lopez conducts a lecture workshop on the history and making of piñata to 26 students.