With great honor, we invited Emiko Agatsuma, principal dancer from the world-renown Butoh dance company 大駱駝艦(DaiRakudaKan Dance Company in Japan), to give us a joint workshop with IMCCI and dance department students from TNUA.
With great honor, we invited Emiko Agatsuma, principal dancer from the world-renown Butoh dance company 大駱駝艦(DaiRakudaKan Dance Company in Japan), to give us a joint workshop with IMCCI and dance department students from TNUA.
A literal translation of Thai folk dance or “รำวงมาตรฐาน” is standardized dancing in a circle and was developed as part of the promotion of Thai Nationalism by Field Marshall Pleak’s government during 1938-1944.
This talk will give an overview and brief history of the origins of graffiti culture, from it’s humble beginnings in Philadelphia and the subway boom of New York City to the international phenomenon it has become
Beitou Local Postures Collecting Project ~ IMCCI X 許生翰 Sean Hsu
Commonly Associated with Mexico and Central America, the tradition of the Piñata has its origins in 14th century Italy where a pignatta or container filled with treats was broken.
In Belize, paper flowers are often made at wakes for wreaths to place on the graves of loved ones.
This forum will discuss the observations regarding contemporary feminism and art creation with female subjectivity.
As part of USR project, IMCCI students joined lion-dance workshop in 保德 temple in Beitou. 徐崑庭, an experienced lion-dance performer, taught IMCCI students how to do basic movement with his excellent skills.
IMCCI students Andrea Sandoval Dubón, Melody Wagner, Don Rodrigo, Thachaporn Supparatanapinyo, Warangtip Emmy Singhakarn, and Elliott Cheung will lead dance and handicraft workshops at the Tjimur Art Festival in Pingtung this July!
An Intercultural Communication Workshop was held between Undergraduate students from the Queensland University of Technology visiting the Taipei National University of the Arts’ students in the IMCCI Program.